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pattern styles


Learn how to use layouts, motifs, and techniques used throughout history to build patterns that go way beyond the standard scattered repeat that you see in so many modern patterns.

The resources

When you watch the class you’ll get my set of 10 historical pattern layouts and learn how to create your own pattern layout brush library that you can have on hand anytime you are building a new pattern.

the projects

Each project in this class is designed to help you get to know a specific historical style.  We'll look at techniques and processes used by historical pattern makers, like the false half-drop shown in the pattern to the left which helps hide the repeat seam.

sketch to pattern

We'll create each project together from sketch to finished pattern, so you can see the whole process of creating a pattern inspired by a historical style.

Learn From the Masters


This class is for anyone who wants to take their patterns to the next level by learning from the masters of pattern history.

5 styles

We'll cover five of the most well-known pattern styles, and talk about how to use any historical pattern for inspiration without copying.

Ready to Watch the Class and Draw Live with Me?

This class is part of my library of 50+ classes and 500+ resources called The Studio.

Tell Me More!

So how do you watch the class?

This class is only available to members of The Studio, my membership where members get exclusive access to all my classes, Procreate brushes, live sessions, and interviews.

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