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Selling Stickers


Learn everything you need to know about designing and selling stickers from idea to successful shops on Etsy, print-on-demand sites, or your own website.

What You'll Learn

Learn everything you need to know about designing and selling stickers from idea to successful shops on Etsy, print-on-demand sites, or your own website.

From Design to Shop

We'll talk about how to create designs that are highly searchable, and talk about the pros and cons of selling stickers on sites like Redbubble, Society6, Etsy, and your own website.

Behind the Scenes

I'm going to take you inside my print-on-demand and Etsy shop where I've been successfully selling stickers for years so you can see my whole process for creating tags, titles, and descriptions that get your work found by buyers.

Ready to Watch the Class and Draw Live with Me?

This class is part of my library of 50+ classes and 500+ resources called The Studio.

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The Workbook

When you watch this class you'll get my Selling Stickers Workbook where I give you a huge list of tags and themes that you can use to create highly searchable designs.

So how do you watch the class?

This class is only available to members of The Studio, my membership where members get exclusive access to all my classes, Procreate brushes, live sessions, and interviews.

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