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Design a Greeting Card Collection

Learn the whole process of designing a greeting card collection from original concept to finished card collection and product photos.

What You'll Learn

In this class, you'll learn how to design greeting card collections around a theme from sketch to finished card.  We'll talk about how to print, photograph, and present your cards to the world in a professional way that helps companies and art licensors get interested in your work!

Style Guides

We'll start by creating a style guide that helps you focus in on a theme, palette, and concepts that keep your collection cohesive and marketable.

The Projects

Throughout the class I'll propose projects to help keep you on track to designing a beautiful collection.

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This class is part of my library of 50+ classes and 500+ resources called The Studio.

Tell Me More!

Why design a card collection?

Working in collections makes your work more marketable to art licensors, and is easier for the designer because you don't have to "reinvent the wheel" each time you start a new composition.

So how do you watch

the class?

This class is only available to members of The Studio, my membership where members get exclusive access to all my classes, Procreate brushes, live sessions, and interviews.


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